ELSS Calculator

Total Investment
Amount Invested
Expected Returns
0% returns
Tax Saved
Under Section 80C
Maturity Amount
After lock-in period

Yearly Breakdown

Year Investment Amount Expected Returns Tax Saved Total Value

Tax-deferred investments such as equity linked savings plan (ELSS) offer market linked returns and tax exemption are some tax-deferred investment options in India. Use our ELSS calculator along with ROI calculator to find your potential returns using investment amount, time horizon, and expected rate of return.

What is an ELSS Calculator?

An ELSS calculator online: It can calculate the maturity value and potential returns from ELSS investments. Similar to a SIP calculator or lumpsum calculator, you can specify parameters such as investment amount, annual yield and time horizon to estimate your returns.

How to Use an ELSS Calculator?

  1. Visit an online ELSS calculator tool on a reliable platform.
  2. Enter the monthly or lump-sum investment amount.
  3. Specify the expected annual return (typically ranges between 12% to 15%). You can use our interest rate calculator to compare different scenarios.
  4. Input the investment duration (minimum 3 years).
  5. Click on "Calculate" to view the maturity value and estimated returns.

Advantages of Using an ELSS Calculator

How Does an ELSS Work?

ELSS is a kind of mutual fund, it's mostly equity. It has 3 years mandatory lock-in and also includes tax exemption under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. Returns are market correlated and subject to market performance. For long-term planning, consider using our NPS calculator alongside ELSS calculations.

ELSS Investment Returns Example

Investment Type Amount Invested (INR) Tenure (Years) Expected Annual Return (%) Maturity Amount (INR)
Lump Sum 1,00,000 3 12 1,40,492
SIP 5,000/month 5 14 4,47,093
Lump Sum 2,00,000 7 15 5,34,569

Comparison of ELSS with Other Tax-Saving Investments

Investment Option Lock-in Period Expected Returns Risk Level Tax Benefit
ELSS 3 years 12-15% High Up to INR 1.5 lakh under Section 80C
PPF 15 years 7.1% Low Up to INR 1.5 lakh under Section 80C
NSC 5 years 7.7% Low Up to INR 1.5 lakh under Section 80C
Tax-Saving FD 5 years 6.5-7.5% Low Up to INR 1.5 lakh under Section 80C

Benefits of ELSS Over Other Investments

Feature ELSS Other Options
Shortest Lock-in Period 3 years 5-15 years
Potential for High Returns Yes (12-15%) No (7-8%)
Market-Linked Growth Yes No
Tax Benefit Up to INR 1.5 lakh under Section 80C Up to INR 1.5 lakh under Section 80C

Key Policies and Regulations Regarding ELSS

Important Note: The ELSS calculator is essential for investors seeking optimal returns. Compare it with other investment options like PPF, Fixed Deposits, and SCSS to make informed decisions. Use our ROI calculator to evaluate the effectiveness of your investment strategy.