EPF Calculator

Monthly Contribution
Employee: ₹1,800 | Employer: ₹1,800
Interest Earned
At 8.15% p.a.
Total Investment
Over entire service period
Maturity Amount
By 2050
Year Opening Balance Contribution Interest Earned Closing Balance
1 ₹100,000 ₹86,400 ₹11,671 ₹198,071
2 ₹198,071 ₹86,400 ₹19,664 ₹304,134
3 ₹304,134 ₹86,400 ₹28,308 ₹418,842
4 ₹418,842 ₹86,400 ₹37,656 ₹542,899
5 ₹542,899 ₹86,400 ₹47,767 ₹677,066
6 ₹677,066 ₹86,400 ₹58,702 ₹822,167
7 ₹822,167 ₹86,400 ₹70,527 ₹979,095
8 ₹979,095 ₹86,400 ₹83,317 ₹1,148,812
9 ₹1,148,812 ₹86,400 ₹97,149 ₹1,332,361
10 ₹1,332,361 ₹86,400 ₹112,108 ₹1,530,869

Employers Provident Fund (EPF) is one of the biggest parts of social security insurance. It offers income and pension to paid India workers. Similar to PPF and NPS, it's a long-term retirement savings scheme.

EPF Calculator is a web calculator which calculates your EPF benefits. You simply enter basic salary, current EPF balance, age and projected years of service and the calculator calculating your monthly payment, interest and retirement amount for these information.

EPF Calculator is the requisite tool for waged workers seeking their financial future. And it provides accurate forecasts and follows the law in India, so workers can make informed decisions about saving. Learn about how you are spending the money and getting ready for retirement now with the EPF Calculator.

For further details, refer to the official EPFO website.

Key Features

Components of EPF

Types of EPF Accounts

Type Description Benefits
Basic EPF 12% employee contribution with matching employer contribution. Retirement corpus, tax savings, and annual interest. Compare with Fixed Deposits for better understanding.
EPF with EPS Includes a pension scheme with a portion of employer contributions allocated to EPS. Monthly pension after retirement, along with EPF benefits. Similar to SCSS for senior citizens.
EPF with VPF Voluntary Provident Fund allowing additional contributions beyond the mandatory 12%. Higher retirement corpus with the same interest rate as EPF. Consider using SIP for additional investments.

How to Use the EPF Calculator

  1. Input Your Details: Enter your basic monthly salary, current EPF balance, age, and years of service.
  2. Select an Account Type: Choose from Basic EPF, EPS-inclusive, or VPF-inclusive options.
  3. Set an Interest Rate: Use the default rate declared by EPFO or modify it based on future projections. Compare with simple interest calculations.
  4. Analyze Results: Review the calculator's outputs, including contributions, interest earnings, and total balance.

Regulatory Compliance

EPF was under Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952. Key regulatory points include:

Advantages of Using the EPF Calculator