Retirement Savings Calculator

Personal Information


Current Financial Status


Retirement Income Sources


Investment Assumptions


Retirement Expenses


Retirement Analysis Results:

Total Savings Needed: $0

Projected Savings at Retirement: $0

Retirement Savings Gap: $0

Additional Monthly Savings Needed: $0

Years of Retirement Covered: 0

Retirement Income Sources (Monthly):

  • From Savings: $0
  • Social Security: $0
  • Pension: $0
  • Total: $0
Age Starting Balance Contribution Investment Earnings Ending Balance Real Balance
31 $50,000 $6,000 $2,327 $58,327 $56,904
32 $58,327 $6,000 $2,692 $67,019 $63,790
33 $67,019 $6,000 $3,074 $76,093 $70,660
34 $76,093 $6,000 $3,472 $85,566 $77,518
35 $85,566 $6,000 $3,888 $95,454 $84,367
36 $95,454 $6,000 $4,322 $105,776 $91,211
37 $105,776 $6,000 $4,776 $116,552 $98,051
38 $116,552 $6,000 $5,249 $127,800 $104,892
39 $127,800 $6,000 $5,742 $139,543 $111,736
40 $139,543 $6,000 $6,258 $151,801 $118,587
41 $151,801 $6,000 $6,796 $164,597 $125,447
42 $164,597 $6,000 $7,358 $177,955 $132,319
43 $177,955 $6,000 $7,944 $191,899 $139,208
44 $191,899 $6,000 $8,557 $206,456 $146,114
45 $206,456 $6,000 $9,196 $221,651 $153,043
46 $221,651 $6,000 $9,863 $237,514 $159,995
47 $237,514 $6,000 $10,559 $254,073 $166,976
48 $254,073 $6,000 $11,286 $271,359 $173,986
49 $271,359 $6,000 $12,045 $289,405 $181,031
50 $289,405 $6,000 $12,837 $308,242 $188,111
51 $308,242 $6,000 $13,664 $327,906 $195,231
52 $327,906 $6,000 $14,528 $348,434 $202,393
53 $348,434 $6,000 $15,429 $369,862 $209,600
54 $369,862 $6,000 $16,370 $392,232 $216,855
55 $392,232 $6,000 $17,352 $415,584 $224,162
56 $415,584 $6,000 $18,377 $439,961 $231,522
57 $439,961 $6,000 $19,447 $465,408 $238,940
58 $465,408 $6,000 $20,564 $491,972 $246,418
59 $491,972 $6,000 $21,730 $519,702 $253,958
60 $519,702 $6,000 $22,948 $548,650 $261,565
61 $548,650 $6,000 $24,219 $578,869 $269,241
62 $578,869 $6,000 $25,545 $610,414 $276,988
63 $610,414 $6,000 $26,930 $643,345 $284,811
64 $643,345 $6,000 $28,376 $677,721 $292,711
65 $677,721 $6,000 $29,885 $713,606 $300,693

About the Retirement Savings Calculator

With this retirement savings calculator you will be prepared for the good life in future by calculating your retirement savings amount. It uses all your savings right now, yield, inflation and Social Security to give you an accurate picture of what you’ll need to save in order to retire.

Understanding Retirement Planning

Retirement planning is among the biggest financial choices you will make. The right retirement plan takes time to consider all the different factors that will affect your retirement finances. This calculator helps you:

Key Components of Retirement Planning

Essential Elements to Consider:
  • Age and Retirement Age: The time span of your investments depends on your age and retirement age. The longer the time horizon, the more space there is to:
    • More aggressive investment strategies
    • Greater benefit from compound interest
    • More time to recover from market downturns
    • Higher potential for wealth accumulation
  • Life Expectancy: Saving for a higher life expectancy helps you never run out of cash. Consider:
    • Family health history
    • Current health status
    • Lifestyle factors
    • Medical advances increasing longevity
  • Savings and Contributions: The principal of your retirement plan are the amounts you currently save for and contribute to, such as:
    • 401(k) and IRA balances
    • Employer matching contributions
    • Regular savings and investments
    • Other retirement accounts

Important Retirement Planning Considerations

1. Income Replacement Ratio

Financial experts typically recommend planning to replace 70-80% of your pre-retirement income during retirement. This percentage may vary based on:

2. Investment Returns and Risk Management

Your investment strategy should balance potential returns with risk tolerance and typically includes:

Social Security Benefits

Social Security can provide a significant portion of your retirement income. Key considerations include:

Impact of Inflation

The cost of inflation on your retirement accounts will reduce your purchasing power over time. Our calculator subtracts inflation in:

Strategies to Boost Retirement Savings

If your projected savings fall short, consider these strategies:
